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Can the fastest electric mountain bike also be a lightweight eMTB?


There’s a bit of a misconception in the world of pedal-assisted off-road riding, and that’s this: you can choose either a fast electric mountain bike or a lightweight eMTB—not both. And for a long time, this belief was true. Buying a sub-20KG full-suspension electric mountain bike meant sacrificing power in exchange for weight savings. Fortunately, thanks to recent advancements in materials, engineering, and tech, these days you truly can have it all. Read on to learn more.

Weight vs Power: Why It Matters in eMTB

It’s a question nearly as old as cycling itself: how much does your bike weigh? Whether on a road bike, gravel bike, or even a lightweight eMTB, gram counting has always been an important consideration for any serious cyclist. But why? In addition to heavier bikes being harder to pedal uphill, weight also plays a crucial role in determining several other key characteristics: control, handling, agility, and overall ride feel—all of which are critical when navigating technical singletrack at high speeds.

This holds doubly true for electric mountain bikes, where excess kilos can add up quickly, leading to a riding experience far removed from the familiar thrill found with non-motorized MTBs. For many riders, total weight is such an important factor that full-suspension eMTBs in the 20-kilogram range have even become their own category, officially known as “Light-eMTB” in contrast to their “full-power” siblings.

Of course, the obvious solution to building a lightweight electric mountain bike is to simply use lighter parts. Still, as the naming above suggests, that’s often meant a trade-off, opting for smaller batteries and less-powerful motors to deliver a nimbler ride feel. And if total weight determines how riders handle twists, turns, and descents on the trails, the strength of both battery and motor matter when tackling steep gradients and long climbs.

Most eMTBs in the official “Light” category feature motors that typically produce between 40-65Nm of torque with a battery capacity ranging from 360-500Wh. While these smaller battery-and-motor combos deliver a considerable boost and consistent assistance in many off-road riding scenarios, they can still fall short on the steepest trails, when supporting heavier riders, or during long days on the saddle.

Is a Lightweight E-Bike Always Less Powerful?

An answer has arrived for riders seeking both the agile handling and ride experience of a Light-eMTB and enough speed and power to keep up with even the fastest electric mountain bikes on the market. Meet the Amflow PL Carbon and PL Carbon Pro, two barrier-breaking electric mountain bikes designed to provide more power with less weight so riders can explore further, faster, and higher—all while navigating narrow, winding trails with ease.

So, how was this balance achieved? The performance is in the details:

The Frame

Both new Amflow eMTBs feature precision-built carbon-fibre frames, the gold standard in exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. Lightweight, resilient, and responsive, these frames also house an integrated battery compartment to maintain an overall sleek aesthetic.

The Motor

Marking an industry first, both the Amflow PL Carbon and PL Carbon Pro sport an all-new DJI e-bike system, which boasts a powerful yet compact motor capable of producing an impressive 105 Nm of torque.

The Battery

Ensuring there’s always enough energy to keep DJI’s new motor spinning, the Amflow PL Carbon is powered by a category-defying 800Wh battery pack while the Pro model offers two options: the full 800Wh battery or a slightly lighter 600Wh version for even greater weight savings.

The Suspension

Both forks and rear suspension systems feature Fox brand shocks to help smooth rough trails and further enhance overall ride feel.

The Components

Rounding out the builds, every single component was selected to balance weight savings with reliable durability, from the SRAM drivetrains to the aluminium and carbon wheels found on the PL Carbon and PL Carbon Pro, respectively.

Put all this together, and the result is a fast and powerful pair of e-bikes that weigh in at just 19.2KG for the PL Carbon and up to 21.4KG for the PL Carbon Pro, depending on build options.

Speed, at the Touch of a Screen

With off-road riding, fast is fun. And the new Amflow eMTBs know a thing or two about both speed and fun. Depending on the desired level of assistance, riders can enjoy a light boost for a bit of extra help on steep terrain or they can opt to experience the full torque and tempo of the powerful DJI motor—and every level in between. Compatible with local regulations, the top speed is limited to 15.5 MPH (25 KM/H) in the UK and 20 MPH (32 KM/H) in the US for motor-only usage. Combined with the efforts of the rider and given the nimble nature of these lightweight e-bikes, however, and speed has never been more easily achievable or manageable off roads.

Yet fast singletrack isn’t the only thing that’s easy to navigate with the new Amflow PL Carbon and PL Carbon Pro lightweight eMTBs. Controlling them via the new DJI e-bike system is equally intuitive with its bright, centre-mounted OLED touchscreen. It’s through this touchscreen that users can access key features such as GPS navigation and pedal-assistance level while monitoring battery usage and other important data points.

Light, Fast, and Fun—that’s a Win-Win-Win

It may still take some time to dispel the misconception that light e-bikes can’t be fast or powerful, and that fast and powerful e-MTBs aren’t light. However, through innovation, smarter design, and meticulous material and component choices, this narrative is ready to be rewritten—thanks to the new Amflow PL Carbon and PL Carbon Pro—one ride and one trail at a time.
Amflow PL

Amflow PL

The Amflow PL electric mountain bike offers 850 watts of power in an ultra-light sub-20kg build. With an unrivaled combination of power, range, and weight, it delivers the ultimate ride.

Learn more